I'm currently on a bus on the way to California for the Rose Bowl. I'm in the Oregon Marching Band and our journey to support our team started today.
Day 1 of 8. We've been on the bus since 6:30 so I've been in roughly the same position for about 8 hours already. Which is... rough. But totally worth it. Obviously.
I'm also writing an article about my personal view on the trip with the band for the University and that gives the trip an interesting spin. I've taken so many trips with the band that it had sort of become second nature: get on the bus or plane, hurry up and wait, make sure everyone is where they need to be, perform, and have fun.
This gives me something new to do though and combines my two passions, which is one of my favorite thing. That's also why I love being a photographer on our trips. But this is something that I haven't done before so I'm really looking forward to what I end up with.
Now, the question is, how do I make three days of riding on a bus exciting?