Why selfies are important:

We live in a world where people -- men and women alike -- are constantly reminded about their appearance, and constructions around beauty control and define our lives. And as we turn to an increasingly online life, we are presenting images of ourselves that are more representative of who we want to be rather than who we actually are. 

Selfies are great. 
Selfies are reaffirming of an individual.
Selfies celebrate beauty because the person posting them felt good enough about themselves to show the world. 
Selfies aren't about someone else, an activity, or your coffee. They're about you. 

Selfies are about self love and that's okay. Loving yourself isn't vain and it's also necessary
Take a second out of your day to like another person's selfie. It might be the confidence boost they need and is the easiest way to help someone feel better about themselves. 

Selfies are essential for survival in this body obsessed society.