Why everyone should work a service job at least once in their life:

Customer service can drive you crazy, but it's one of those essential skills in life that will humble you and also make you better at every job that you have later in life.

Sure, the customer isn't really always right, but having to deal with so many different personalities and hopefully have them leave happy after your interaction is over is probably the real key. They don't have to be right; they most likely just want to feel heard. And that's important to any person. 

If you can make people feel heard, feel valued -- while not giving up your initial goals or beliefs (unless you should) -- then you have learned something. 

Also, simply working hard is really devalued these days and it shouldn't be. Having to work two jobs just to make some sort of living can give you a completely different perspective than someone who has had everything paid for. In my opinion, a better perspective. It teaches you some life lessons that you wouldn't find elsewhere and makes you appreciate other people's work a lot more too. Appreciate the people who do the work that is necessary for us to all get by because sometimes they do the hardest work of all.