Dear Hillary Clinton

I just watched your speech in which you made history.

You have led the way for millions, impacted lives everywhere, and will be a part of shaping our country and our history – the history that our children and our children's children will soak in and in turn be able to reflect on when making our country better themselves.

Thank you for never giving up. Even when there are people who have been against you from the start, not because of policy, but because you are a woman. Thank you for proving them wrong, for you and for all of us.

Thank you for changing. While some criticize inconsistency, we should recognize that to be a great leader you must be adaptable and willing to change. You must be able to admit wrongs and forge on to create rights. And you have. 

Thank you for dedicating your life to this country and being a role model for women everywhere... and for everyone really. I hope girls and women, mothers and daughters, all around the country listened to your impassioned words and thought to themselves– just as I did tonight – "Someday I want to be like her." To be a leader of change and to help others as much as they can for as long as they can.

Thank you, Hillary.
I'm with you.