As the commercials began between segments of Kitchen Nightmares, I wasn't really even paying attention. Not looking at the screen and multitasking as I often do with my computer in my lap.
One thing caught my attention though. I saw three back to back commercials for shows on FOX network and at the end of each one of them there was this phrase "Watch and tweet live!" For the first show American Idol, I can understand where tweeting would come in to play. It is live and the people on the show are competing and things naturally get heated and opinionated - the perfect playground for twitter users.
The other show was New Girl, which obviously doesn't have the same properties.
It's interesting to me that this has become a new norm for advertising for television shows. As networks seek to get people more involved, it seems more than obvious that they would turn to social media. To compete with the growing trend of watching television shows online, in order to tweet about the show, you must be watching it as it airs originally. So there's one thing. I wonder if these efforts are actually working or if it's really just a last ditch effort to get people watching TV screens instead of computer/tablet/phone screens.