People watching.

Currently people watching in Les Schwab as I wait for my car to get checked. It's not a place that I'm normally at, and obviously "car owners" is a pretty diverse demographic, so it's really interesting.  

A lot of people don't want to admit they don't know anything about cars.  

People don't really plan ahead.  

There's a man that has sat in about every chair in the waiting area, eaten popcorn and stood up to stare at a poster on the wall. Chill, dude.  

Why selfies are important:

We live in a world where people -- men and women alike -- are constantly reminded about their appearance, and constructions around beauty control and define our lives. And as we turn to an increasingly online life, we are presenting images of ourselves that are more representative of who we want to be rather than who we actually are. 

Selfies are great. 
Selfies are reaffirming of an individual.
Selfies celebrate beauty because the person posting them felt good enough about themselves to show the world. 
Selfies aren't about someone else, an activity, or your coffee. They're about you. 

Selfies are about self love and that's okay. Loving yourself isn't vain and it's also necessary
Take a second out of your day to like another person's selfie. It might be the confidence boost they need and is the easiest way to help someone feel better about themselves. 

Selfies are essential for survival in this body obsessed society.

Cheers to the next year.

As finals are upon us, seniors are graduating, and statuses pour onto our feeds about impending summer fun, I'm looking forward. To the next year where I will make my mark and be ready (as I'll ever be) to enter the "real world." To actually doing all the things that I've been too busy or distracted to do. 
I'm all in. 
Seriously. This is the year I'll actually make my mark. 
I feel like I have a second chance. If college societal standards meant anything, I should supposedly be graduating in a week. But I get a senior year do over. Otherwise known as a fifth year and a fuck it to digging my college loan hole a little deeper... because I don't want to just graduate. I want to actually do something, be someone, make my time here worth it. 

Ode to the hashtag.

Who knew that you would become this
when you had spent years lingering
around mathematician musings, 
lurking on the pages of 
disgruntled musicians 
or aiding the clarity that 
a dependent list-maker
displays to the world. 
Now, you are something entirely different. 
A social beacon
in the never-ending whirlpool
of silent change-makers 
and restless teenagers 
and 140-character junkies.
A ploy 
to the youth that is so 
apparently misunderstood
and to the crowd-followers 
who need a life raft  
motivating them to stay afloat 
in this technological province.  
A statement 
from the angst ridden
purposefully ironic 
and the carefree 
Facebook word-vomiters. 
You are a shapeshifter of identities
and a marker up to the discretion of its user. 

What would have been...

...if I had spent all of my time in Allen Hall, where advertising majors settle in and make their home over these four years, wearing out white board pens and staying up until the sun reappears to make the glare on the computer that tells them that it's time to go home. 

What would have been if I hadn't have made my home away from home out on a turf field, breathing in the cold air, tracing every inch of the turf over the years getting to my drill dot and using up my breath on music and not my words. 

What would have been if the little office on the opposite side of campus hadn't been my sanctuary because it wasn't what I wanted to do with my life. If I didn't spend countless hours wasting my time, sharing my thoughts, building a family in that tiny room. Sitting and talking to everyone that passed through, just to hear what news they had for the day before they headed to their next class. If I didn't have the place where a friend and I went when we had no where else to go and laid on the floor to get away from the stress to just stare at the walls. If it wasn't the place where tears have dried on my face and obnoxious laughter has welcomed pains in my cheeks. 

The Nostalgia Zone.

What did you feel when you watched that video? I didn't realize it before (I'm taking an Understanding Disney course right now), but a wave of emotion hits me and sends chills through my body as this music plays. Fifteen seconds is all it takes to send me soaring back to my childhood.  It's fascinating how Disney has managed to create this franchise and captured our hearts like this. 

Nerd Alert*

*Otherwise known as passion alert. 

Delving in further to my thesis and totally shifting gears. Scary, but exciting.  And it's headed somewhere good. Better. 

Choose your own adventure.

Do you remember those choose your own adventure novels? I faintly remember one about a scuba-adventure-treasurehunt-excursion that I had as a kid. I read that thing multiple times and, you know, at some point, you know exactly what choices you are going to be faced with. I almost always chose the same outcomes. I was in search of my fitting outcome. 

I don't know why these crossed my mind again and why I can remember that one book specifically, but it seems somewhat relatable to the 4th year college student that I am that now, after testing a lot of outcomes in college (i.e. majors and classes), I feel like I'm in search of my fitting outcome. There are still the times when I feel the need to branch out and choose the option that I didn't before just like when reading the book... and sometimes things don't work out. But I'm on my way and even if I have to reread it a couple times, I'll get the ending right eventually. 

This is important.

Dear Future Generations, Sorry.

Posted by Prince Ea on Monday, April 20, 2015

I took a class last term where all we discussed was climate change. It is REAL. It is HAPPENING. We can't deny it, yet people turn a blind eye every day. 
What do we want our legacy to be? One that destroyed the Earth that grants us existence in the first place. Let's do something. Let's change our legacy. 

How to escape when you have no where to go.

Step 1: Walk to your nearest bookshelf, bookstore, friends house.  

Step 2: Pick up a book.  

Step 3: Get comfy and read.  

Read until you forget where you are and are enveloped into the trance of a new world. One that is entirely not your own. Where you're not yourself. 

Read until you cry, tears rolling down your face because you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality anymore. 

Read until you can hear the character's voices and their quirks make you laugh like you're old friends. 

What is nature really?

Does anyone actually get out anymore? "Get away from it all?" 


Not since we have our phones on our hips and the world at the tips of our fingertips.  

"The World."  

What a funny concept. I can Google anything I want, look at photos, write a blog... All in seconds. But what does it really do for me? The Internet is simultaneously making us smarter and more stupid.  

Yeah, you can look shit up. So what? Where's our ability to think? To process? To engage? To experience?  

Well, it's right there in front of us. We're just too distracted to realize it. The world is outside. It's there. Really. Just not how we think of it.

Without phones, computers, the ability to glance at something when you feel uncomfortable or play a game when you're bored.

And we're missing it. 


Getting out of the bubble.

Today I was driving doing some errands and I just decided to keep going. I drove past my little bubble of campus and out to another town with no agenda and map on my phone. It's interesting to experience new things like this. How often do I get off campus or away from my apartment on a Monday afternoon? But it's important. You see that people exist beyond your normal scope and that interesting things happen every day but you may just be too preoccupied to see them.  

I stopped in to a Jack in the Box just because I was going solely based on what my stomach told me it wanted and even in this instance, little ordinary things caught my attention. The two little boys that were regulars and teasing the workers that they didn't even really know. The cashier who kept apologizing for things that were out of her control. The girl waiting awkwardly for her mom in the bathroom. The regular with a long wild beard in again for his late lunch. These are people I would've never thought of before... And here I am. 

Sometimes it feels really good to get away. 

On the fence:

So I like tattoos... kinda. 
I am so on the fence all over the topic of tattoos. I like them, but only tastefully and when you can't see them... but I also think everyone should be free to express themselves how they choose so those two previous ideas only matter for me and no one else in regards to tattoos.
I also think they should be super meaningful... 
I also really want some... but don't really want them. 

Basically I just can't see myself when I'm old having tattoos. And sometimes, I'm all for the idea of why would I want to do that to my body? It won't look good and it will cause only short term joy. But then I think... we live such short lives and then we die -- so why does it matter if I put meaningful art on my body? In the long run, what does it matter? 

Anyway, these are the tattoos I would get if I ever got off the fence one way or another. They're meaningful, tell a lot about me, have important reminders for me that will matter my entire life and not everyone knows what they mean right off the bat. 

Brand Eulogy.

“Live fruitful.” And that it did.
Jamba Juice always showed us the sunny side of life and helped us to become the better people that we always wanted to be. In fresh fruit, vibrant colors and refreshing sips, the world moved forward to a healthier place.
Jamba Juice was full of life. The exciting whirl of the blenders and the cheerful smiles of the employees welcomed all through the doors to recharging and renewing in the morning, on the way to work, or out with friends on a sunny day.
As a child I remember visiting Jamba Juice frequently. It was the happy medium between an icy cold treat and the good serving of fruit that I needed. It wasn’t much of a compromise though because anyone that took a sip would have been delighted.
Through thick and thin, Jamba Juice has been there for us all. When we got our wisdom teeth out or when we had fights with our friends, Jamba Juice was the refreshing salvation that saved us from any long day.
Jamba Juice asked us to “Believe in the Power of Juice” and it made that easy.